Angular :4 : Error while using ngx-clipboard

Error :

An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context

In line :

import { ClipboardModule } from 'ngx-clipboard';


we need to download the npm dependency version for the ngx-clipboard since we are using angular 4

If you need to use it on 2.x, please use version 7.x.x. If you need to use it on 4.x, please use version 8.x.x. If you need to use it on 5.x, please use version 10.x.x. If you need to use it on 8.x, please use version 12.x.x. If you need to use it on 9.x, please use version 13.x.x. If you need to use it on 10.x, please use version 14.x.x.

below mentioned is the version we will be using for the angular 4


npm install ngx-clipboard@8.0.3 --save