bit and Byte and ASCII codes >
what is bit and byte in terms of memory ?
- a bit is basically a binary digit , it can hold 1 or 0 only .
- this is smallest increment of data on a computer 0 means off and 1 means on.
- A byte is group of 8 bits , in a single byte we can store any ASCII character ,
- 1KB is 1024 Bytes
- 1 Mb -> 1024 KB
- 1 GB - > 1024 MB
- 1 TB -> 1024 GB
- 1 Petabyte -> 1024 TB
- ASCII : what is ascii character
- ASCII acroynm : American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- since microprosessors only understand bits and bytes so what ever we wants to send to the processor needs to be converted to bits
- so in ASCII all the letters are assigned one numbers lets say
- Each Character and symbol has assigned a number from 0 to 255 , and since 2 power 8 means 256 will be able to store all the values
- Ex : as ascii it would translate to 99 97 99 116 117 115 46 105 111