My thoughts 2022
These are some of my thoughts and some of the points I have read from the books I just added more examples to the particular example. are born poor that is not your fault , but if you die poor that is completely your fault.
- Revist Goals and Dream life
- Consistency beats hardwork and talent
- One Thing at a Time
- Rise and shine this is your time to prove.
- just do it for 2 mins and then leave it
Anyone can work when they are feeling motivated but the professional keep working when they boredom
- Any skill over a time becomes bore only --> but to master something You have to keep improving and sharpening it
**Goldilocks rule : Humans experience peek motivatation when working on a tasks tat are right on the edge of their current abilities.
- When you work on something there should be both the things : 50% chance of failure and 50% chance of success.
- Avoid novelty it will mess with the dopamine system
- Ex : sexual,culinary,visual novelty
- Habits are like entry point and not the end point it is a cab not a gym.
- Habits are formed based on frequency and not the time
- it is not like someone who is a developer for the last 10 yr is better then a person who is just being a developer for last 2 years it depends on the number of your and the problems the particular individual has solved , more problems more solutions more repetetion of the activity of solving problems and hence better developer.
Prime the environment for future use
- Ex : work completed and leaving office , then make the place better for the next day, clean the desk organize the paper and files and cables, put and fill some water in the bottles
- Clean the coffee mug for the next day
- Clean all the emails and reply
- check the todo and move the unfinished task to the next day
- clear the desktop icons
- empty the recycle bin
- check and reply the messages in a chat
- properly shutdown the system
Enhance the good habits and degrade the bad habits over time
- since most of the actions we take in a day is part of the habits so if we have more good habits we will take good decisions and our day will be much better
Painting and Drawing is meditative