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Who is involved in the authorization and settlement process ? CardHolder - a person whose name appears on the credit card or debit card Business -...
What is SSL ? SSL : secure socket layer , it is a protocol, that encrypt,secure and authenticate , it secure communication between client and...
Motivation Since this design pattern is mentioned by my seniors a lot and I did not know how it works and how to use it , I will use this article to...
Structural : Adapter,Facade,Bridge etc Creational : Singleton,Factory,Builder Behavioral : Strategy,Observer,Iterator Design pattern best...
1. Divide and process the records received Usecase We are getting 6.5k records from the database and then we are traversing each item , creating...
Motivation In my project, I am part of the scalibility initative, where we wants to scale our system for 3Million users, or you can say 3Million...