nterview Experience Morgan Stanley - Exp: 4 yr


just wanted to document my journey my failures and my wins over these years , it will be great once I will re-read these blogs post or rewatch my videos how I was feeling that time


Currently I am working for tek systems I have 4 years of experience and I am working as full stack developer for Visa as my client , and due to change in some policy by Visa our contract is getting over in march 2024 , so yes, I am preparing for interviews looking for a new ship for my dreams, and as of now tek systems is also not looking new clients for me , they also asked me to go and search for jobs , So situation is absurd but time is with me so I have enough time in my hand , Lets Get Started :)

This interviewer was really nice and i really liked that he wanted to understand the things in depth plus he was also pushing me to learn more about the topics and asked me to do some more research on the topics.


be interview ready all the time since the company which we are working for are being serious for us they don't care about our future the amount of hardwork we are putting and extra hours we work -> if these companies are not able to understand this then there is no sense in helping them , never think about your company just think about yourself and become the better version of your self.

Interview Questions

  1. Write a code to delete a node in linkedin list -> where you need to write a linked list from scratch , give is the key at which we need to remove the element ?

  2. How to implment multithreading with Completable futures ?

  3. Example of Executor Service with Callable ?

  4. Benefits of immutable class ?

  5. what is the use of @Qualifier ?

  6. what is @Configuration and @Component annotation ?

  7. What is difference between @Controller and RestController ?

  8. Employee and Department class find the department name with maximum salary ?